Thursday, April 2, 2009

Give me a break

A guy and the three walls of his cubicle can get mighty tired of each other.

I think that's why we take water breaks at work.

"Water? Tea? Coffee?", someone in our TRE group asks, like KSL traffic updates, every hour on the 39's.

We stand in the break room with our red plastic cups, talking about love, and dreams, and bacon. Mostly, we talk about sports. And we plan.

We plan our next water break.


NJ said...

Desk jobs are a rough life I'm learning. I like your report of how it works... Sometimes I forget to get up for hours and I actually have to limp the first few steps - you know what I mean?! haha, it's kinda funny in a ridiculous way.

Nellie said...

I think you could be the next Dilbert!

MisterandMissesLem said...

if i had your job, i'd be sick a lot.

Turners said...

I love your random posts. Such a great writer...although I am sure I am probably the 50 billionth person to tell you that :) Hope life is LOVELY :)

Anonymous said...

plan your next trip up here. Thanks. love ya.