Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Lips That Touch Liquor Shall Never Touch Mine

It's 3:36 on the first day of 2008. Late enough to not worry about what time I end up going to bed.

As I was stoppped at a check point for DUI drivers in Springville after attending a New Year's Party, I realized something. You can have fun without drinking. All it takes is a little creativity, a deck of cards, a pair of socks, fun people, and a vegetable tray. (Don't ask me why happenin' parties always seem to have vegetable trays. Maybe it's the snap peas) .

From my lifetime observations, let me tell you a few do's and don'ts for a good New Years celebration. Trust me, I speak from experience on these:

Do: Attend a party mixed with guys and girls.
Don't: Watch the New Years ball drop at your Grandma's house by yourself on a 10" television with a six pack of diet caffeine free coke.

Do: Kiss a cute girl/guy
Don't: Kiss ANY girl/guy

Do: Ring in the New Years with a general tumult of excitement--shouting, banging pots, singing, applause
Don't: Ring in the New Years with cousins blowing incessently for hours on those kazoo-sounding devil whistles.

Do: Stay up til midnight and watch the new year march forward.
Don't: Go to bed at 10:30 because the MTC rules say you should, and, as a missionary, it's better to follow the rules hyaku percento. A little bit lame, young missionary Dave.

Well, that should give you a general idea. I keep learning new rules every year. Who knows what 2008 holds?


1 comment:

Kristenjane said...

Hey! Nice blog! I know that you just wished you could have spent New Years with all of us cousins! We now have the younger generation blowing noise makers all night!